AMBER (Advanced Materials and BioEngineering Research) is a multidisciplinary partnership between leading academics in materials science, bioenginnering and industry, working collaboratively to develop new materials and devices for information and communications technology, medical devices, energy and sustainable industrial technology sectors.
AMBER has a wealth of resources available to parents and kids to help them with their science learning. The success of these programmes and their engagement level is often tied to the AMBER's overall reporting (back to its funding bodies).

Given the closure of schools across Ireland due to Covid-19, and the varying levels of online teaching available to children, Edelman proposed we repurpose the materials planned for the cancelled education and public engagement programme and reach out directly to parents. During this unprecedented time it was more important than ever for AMBER to support children's learning and help parents in doing so by offering them materials they could use while at home with their kids.
To do this, we created a series of short and engaging videos about nanoscience to give parents activities that would help with their child’s educational needs, as well as spark their interest in science. Each episode was led by an AMBER scientist, based on an original lesson plan and scripted specifically for children with colourful animations to capture their attention.
We filmed five episodes of educational and engaging science lessons with AMBER Research Centre Scientists, from the comfort of their own homes. Edelman supplied equipment and directed set up and filming interactively for each episode.
Not having a professional filming set-up meant we had to adapt – and fast. First, we supplied each scientist with the equipment they needed to record at high quality. Then, we talked them through set up remotely and held briefings and walk-throughs to ensure everyone was confident and clear.
Then our expert team directed the action live throughout the online filming sessions, ensuring that we ended up with high quality, entertaining, polished films. Content was edited with additional animations to help bring the lessons to life. We developed supporting social assets that were seeded with paid support on Facebook and Instagram to signpost the material and encourage sharing and participation. A micro-site was created where the videos and resource pack would live. Finally, a press release was issued to targeted press, detailing AMBER's new complimentary online learning experience, now available to families.

With the NanoWOW campaign Covid-19 response for AMBER, we were able to not only sustain their educational programs but actually enhance their business platform and offering, turning what could have been a crisis into a positive opportunity.
- 8 pieces of earned media secured equating to a potential reach of 20M.
- Social ads generated 2,971 link clicks to the AMBER website - massively outperforming the estimated link clicks for the ad budget (€1,500).
- 98 stakeholder engagements, from the scientific community, to schools, teacher associations and parent groups.
- 157 downloads of the resource packs
- 120 sign ups to the science events